Terms of Use
Read this now. It’s really simple. Promise.
The information found on this and all associated websites, and the programs sold on this and all associated websites, is COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL and the property of Matthew Ferry, Top Agent Mindset, and Mindset Mechanics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Anything you purchase from Matthew Ferry, Top Agent Mindset, and Mindset Mechanics Inc. is FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE. Teaching, sharing, or splitting the cost with others to acquire programs is in violation of our terms of use and copyright. 

Think about it like this: College tuition is for you, not for your friend who wants the education like you do. Bringing a buddy to attend class under your registration is unthinkable. Same thing when you buy a movie ticket; you don’t walk up the ticket taker and say “oh, yeah, my friend paid for half the ticket because wants to the see the movie too.” When you invest in our programs, you are purchasing “one seat”.... the right to use our materials for yourself, for your benefit. That’s it.
Any form of reproduction; printed, duplicated, digital recreation or distribution, or use as part of any educational or training program in part or in whole is strictly prohibited. Please respect our rights as the owners of this intellectual property. If you don’t understand US Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws, please learn now or simply use this information for the purpose it was intended: to assist you in improving your individual mindset.
Lastly, our attorney would like to mention that purchases you make from Matthew Ferry, Top Agent Mindset, and Mindset Mechanics Inc. does NOT guarantee your success. Since we don't know you, your skills or your drive, you might make more than our students, the same or make less. Individual results vary.
We are serious about #1, #2, #2 and #4 above. You teach your kids not to steal from others. We are asking the same of you.
If you have questions about how you may or may not use our materials,
please email your question to clientcare@topagentmindset.com. 
Thank you.

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The content on this site is intended for your personal use only. Teaching this material, or any form of distribution without permission violates our copyright. Please respect our rights. © 1991-2015 Matthew Ferry & Mindset Mechanics Inc.
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